Comic strip made out of a limited selection of graphics and symbols. we were to compile those graphics in a way to create a comic of an already existing text. i chose the popular nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" 
it started with designing humpty, i had an idea of what i wanted to do with it and how to carry out the rest of the narrative with this design in order to show him scattered.
so i made the design for humpty to be somewhat of a silhouette of an egg, because that is what we all resemble humpty to look like even though it was never specified humpty was an egg so that is why i sort of played with the idea of humpty being an egg but not really.
i played around with the type a little bit here just to make the text feel more like a part of the comic and not just a caption
for these panels i used this graphic because it resembles the fleur-de-lis, which at one point symbolized the french royalty, so when i saw this graphic in the list of options i saw it fitting for this concept to represent the kings horses and men.
for these panels i wanted to show the confrontation of the kings horses/men and the now scattered humpty,
at this point i realized something. as individual panels they worked great, but if i were to present it into a one page comic then visually it didnt blend in together all that well so to accomodate that i tweaked the visuals a little bit and re adjusted a few things 
this is how it all ended up looking like. i will say i'm quite satisfied with how it turned out.
Comic strip


Comic strip
